We continuously develop our software to offer undisputed search accuracy, choice, and flexibility. Our PowerSearch engine, backed by Peakwork’s PlayerHub technology, gathers offers directly from the organizer’s inventory, ensuring the highest quality content and a quick response to every search.

CETS offers numerous connection options for suppliers and a limitless range of detailed offers for agencies, including alternative flights, room types, group options and more. Offers can also be bundled using the ShoppingCart function for one, quick and easy booking.

CETS provides detailed views for every offer, including images and reviews from operators, HolidayCheck, google maps and more, as well as city guides, up to date airport information, and climate details — all integrated directly into CETS and available in a click.

With WEB-consultation, agencies create a personalized website with selected offers including all additional travel information for their customers. These can be updated and the customer can browse and book them from home.
And the ExpertContent extension lets agencies categorize and add details to offers based on experience, including tips, reviews, and recommendations.